May 2024 Newsletter

Dear Calvary Memorial UMC Family,

It has been an honor and privilege to be your pastor for the last two years. The time is a lot shorter than you and I both wanted. I do not feel finished here and yet I feel the Lord calling me to move back home. I selfishly wish I could pick up Snow Hill and plant you down in Louisiana! I know that the pastor who comes to serve after me will be exactly who you need for this season of church life. Just as all the pastors you have had have been. I have heard many stories of how each pastor here has been who you needed whether or not you knew what it was or what gift they would bring to you.

I believe I was sent here to walk you through disaffiliation with complete honesty and humility. I stand by how I led you through the discernment process, even though it was an emotionally difficult process. I was brought here by the Lord to allow all voices to be heard and to reveal that our congregation does not think all the same. I am proud of the way each of you spoke your theological beliefs and chose to listen to people who think differently than you. I have said it before and I will say it again: that is a unique gift in the church and, especially, in the world.

I was brought here to walk alongside our youth as they figure out their faith and show them that they too can be worship leaders in the church and that their voices are welcome in our community. I was sent here to be a constant presence of peace to families who are grieving whether the loss was expected or not. I have personal experience with suicide so, when our community was struck by tragedy, I knew what to do in ways that maybe other people wouldn’t have known. I have also experienced so much loss in my own life that I know more acutely how presence is more important than the “right words.” I hope that my ministry with you has shown you this.

I do not say this to brag or boast about myself but to remind both you and I what it is we have walked through together over the last two years. Many of the things I have named have been things you have said to me yourselves. I am proud of the work we have done together. I am grateful to our Lord for having been brought here to walk alongside you even if for only a short time. I give thanks to God for you and the ways you have spoken into my life and been there for me and my family. You, Christians at Calvary Memorial, are such a treasure. I pray that you know that and that the Lord will continue to grow you in your love of God and neighbor such that people in Snow Hill and beyond may come to know the Lord and his steadfast love and goodness.

With All that I am,

Pastor Emily Hamil Blair